Episode 10: In this episode of Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast we talk about what its like to be a full-time bug bounty hunter, a tonne of bug bounty news, and some great report summaries from Justin’s two mentees: Kodai and Soma.
Follow us on twitter at: https://twitter.com/ctbbpodcast
We're new to this podcasting thing, so feel free to send us any feedback here: info@criticalthinkingpodcast.io
Shoutout to YTCracker for the awesome intro music!
------ Links ------
Follow your hosts Rhynorater & Teknogeek on twitter:
HackVertor https://portswigger.net/bappstore/65033cbd2c344fbabe57ac060b5dd100
Not_An_Aardvark (Teddy Katz) Blog: https://blog.teddykatz.com/
Tweets from PortSwigger Research:
HackerOne LHE Standards: https://www.hackerone.com/hackerone-community-blog/get-invited-how-live-hacking-event-invites-have-changed
Rez0 Bug Bounty Tweet: https://twitter.com/rez0__/status/1553371602770960384?t=NCr_esHcEts9PrcjxIZ5uw&s=19
Rojan’s Github Bug: https://twitter.com/uraniumhacker/status/1633199768263593984
Goodbye Daily Swig: https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/were-going-teetotal-its-goodbye-to-the-daily-swig
Gareth Heyes JavaScript for Hackers:https://leanpub.com/javascriptforhackers/