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Getting Live Hacking Event Invites & Bug Bounty Collab with Nagli (Ep. 49)

Episode 49: In this episode of Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast, Justin Gardner is once again joined by Nagli to discuss some of their recent hacking discoveries. They talk about finding and exploiting a backup file in an ASP.NET app, discovering vulnerabilities through Swagger files, and debating the vulnerability of a specific ‘undisclosed’ domain. Then they reflect on 2023’s Live Hacking Event circuit, and preview what’s to come in 2024’s.

This episode sponsored by Wordfence! Wordfence recently launched a game-changer of a bug bounty program with ALL WordPress plugins over 50k installs are in-scope. They are currently paying 6.25x their normal bounty amounts, and have agreed to give CT listeners a 10% bonus on top of that! If you wanna pop some crits and see those bounties roll in, head over to for more info and keep an eye on the CTBB Discord for inspiration/collabs.

Follow us on twitter at: @ctbbpodcast

We're new to this podcasting thing, so feel free to send us any feedback here:

Shoutout to YTCracker for the awesome intro music!

====== Links ======

Follow your hosts Rhynorater & Teknogeek on twitter:

====== Ways to Support CTBBPodcast ======

Sign up for Caido using the referral code CTBBPODCAST for a 10% discount.

Hop on the CTBB Discord at!

We also do Discord subs at $25, $10, $5 - premium subscribers get access to private masterclasses, exploits, tools, scripts, un-redacted bug reports, etc.

Today’s Guest

Episode Resources:


Why So Serial

New LHE Standards Dropped


(00:00:00) Introduction

(00:02:37) wwwroot .zip Hack Recap

(00:13:44) Swagger File Hack Recap

(00:18:27) Undisclosed URL Hack Recap

(00:24:29) 2023 LHE Circut Recap

(00:37:14) 2024 LHE Preview and New Standards

(00:47:22) Bug Bounty Motivation