Episode 49: In this episode of Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast, Justin Gardner is once again joined by Nagli to discuss some of their recent hacking discoveries. They talk about finding and exploiting a backup file in an ASP.NET app, discovering vulnerabilities through Swagger files, and debating the vulnerability of a specific ‘undisclosed’ domain. Then they reflect on 2023’s Live Hacking Event circuit, and preview what’s to come in 2024’s.
This episode sponsored by Wordfence! Wordfence recently launched a game-changer of a bug bounty program with ALL WordPress plugins over 50k installs are in-scope. They are currently paying 6.25x their normal bounty amounts, and have agreed to give CT listeners a 10% bonus on top of that! If you wanna pop some crits and see those bounties roll in, head over to https://ctbb.show/wf for more info and keep an eye on the CTBB Discord for inspiration/collabs.
Follow us on twitter at: @ctbbpodcast
We're new to this podcasting thing, so feel free to send us any feedback here: info@criticalthinkingpodcast.io
Shoutout to YTCracker for the awesome intro music!
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====== Ways to Support CTBBPodcast ======
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We also do Discord subs at $25, $10, $5 - premium subscribers get access to private masterclasses, exploits, tools, scripts, un-redacted bug reports, etc.
Today’s Guest
Episode Resources:
Why So Serial
New LHE Standards Dropped
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:02:37) wwwroot .zip Hack Recap
(00:13:44) Swagger File Hack Recap
(00:18:27) Undisclosed URL Hack Recap
(00:24:29) 2023 LHE Circut Recap
(00:37:14) 2024 LHE Preview and New Standards
(00:47:22) Bug Bounty Motivation